Friday 19 February 2010

Sorry for the gap

Sorry for the lack of posts, but due to unforseen circumstances my laptop learned how to do a crashlanding at speed. And I had a couple of days off work. I found two things that have really improved my mood today, both cartoons which shall have their links added to the wall.

First is dead for a humourous cause.

The second is a regular online comic, I shall be passing on other comics of amusements in days to come. No need to delay you more than neccessary.

Monday 15 February 2010

A couple of things...

This is a reason to always use spellcheck.

I wonder if feminists really would object to this sign, or if it would just be Harriet Har(wo)man.

A rather large SCREW YOU to the health dicators here.

Here is a story of why a lot of people enjoy the cameraderie found at rugby clubs. I shall give the story in a better light here, the Telegraph was oh so serious.

Basically a short summation. After the shocking last minute victory over Scotland in the 6 nations, the welsh squad, understandably, went and got terrifically drunk. The morning after Andy Powell, a welsh flanker, upon waking up decided to find some fodder. The restaurant at the golf course where they were staying was not open and wouldn't open up soon enough for this strapping young lad. Upon leaving the closed club restaurant a golf buggy was spotted with the keys in the ignition... A moment of genius strikes at Andy Powell. He and a freind hop into the buggy and drive a short way down the M4 to the nearby service station. Obviously a golf cart pulling into a motorway service station is not a normal or terribly legal occurence so the police were called in. Upon discovering that Powell was still drunk from the night before the police promptly arrested him, leaving the whole rugby community trying desperately not to laugh when commenting on it. Unfortunately no decent newspaper could EVER be allowed to say "Well done for the match yesterday, you deserved to get pissed and what a brilliantly stupid idea."

Here's to you Andy may the stupid drunken events of a morning after the night before never end. It did remind me of this story, which again every normal person was giggling about over their favoured drink.

"Quick! Pillage that fat shiny horse!"

I have gotten bored of reading about "new hazards" to my health from smoking/drinking/breathing/driving/generally existing so I have decided that I shall trawl the internet for stories that I find amusing. Some of these may well not be palatable to everyone but this is more for me. I simply hope that you enjoy it too.

My first story involves those mad vikings out for more plunder! Well... maybe not... maybe if they had a boat they might get more success.

Onwards for more reported comedy!